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The book American Girl, Short Stories on Politics, Religion, and Latinidad by Adriana Rosales was inspired by her desire to illustrate the Latino perspective in America. The short stories shared are a culmination of her personal journey growing up in California and traveling the world in the United States Air Force. Her views on politics, religion and her Latinidad come to the forefront with wit and a sense of purpose for empowering future generations to think global and act locally. Her words reflect a truer and more whole America. She cuts no corners and speaks light to those that join her on the journey of exploring the Latino perspective. She shares what it is like to grow up in two worlds. She emphasizes the human need to belong and explores the reality Latinos face on the day-to-day.

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Short Stories, Politics, Religion & Latinidad

& Adriana's Biweekly Newsletter

You are registering for the January 2022  Book Launch and Adriana's Biweekly Newsletter that will keep you informed of all her upcoming books Launches and her Tailored Content Newsletter. 

Like most children of immigrants, Adriana had the role of translator, bridge builder, peacekeeper, and outsider. She writes about navigating an America that seldom recognizes the invisible movers and shakers, the tapestry makers, the community builders that are the heart and soul of America. She also discusses the current state of affairs in the country as she sees it unfold during a global pandemic. Adriana’s political and religious views are the exploration and assertion that we must continue to evolve. We must continue to learn from our mistakes as a country and as a people. America is a great experiment of the utmost optimistic kind always in pursuit of a more perfect union. The idea is that one man can dream as big as he wants. As Latinos, we also read the fine print and it says, “big dreams are only for white people stay in your lane”. Sure, there are exceptions however the data is clear, and more work is needed to balance the scales.


Still, Latinos continue to thrive in American society. According to the organization Hispanic Star, Latinas create business six times faster than any other group. Latinas also get paid 47% less for the same job than non-Latinos. 42% of Latinos say the media depicts them negatively however, Latinos have 1.7 trillion-dollar purchasing power and 66% of new homes are being bought by Latinos. Adriana explores how the mainstream narrative does not support what is being reflected in politics and positions of power. She aims to shift this through dialog and inviting more Americans to touch on these topics by simply looking at the data and concluding that the numbers simply don’t add up. The book American Girl is an attempt to ruffle feathers, shake the beehive and let the data show where we fall short as American’s. The book also illustrates how much we have grown and just how far we’ve come since the days of the civil rights movement.  The book American Girl is about celebrating our Latinidad without reservations.

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Adriana in kindergarten at Amesti School in Watsonville California in 1980. Her nickname as a child was "La Güera" meaning the blondie. 

This book could change the way you view American Women forever.

Seven reasons why you must read this book.

  1. If mainstream is not your cup of tea, then Adriana’s version of America and its American ideals will give you a glimpse of the America you may not know.

  2. If you are a maverick that sees the truth from all angles not just group think then this book is for you.

  3. If you are American

  4. If you think you're American

  5. If you value community

  6. If you are so confused by traditional media that you question your sanity at times, this book is for you.

  7. If you are a Human on Earth. 

Stay tuned for Videos of each chapter  narrated by the author 

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